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Articles about Herding Tigers
Herding Tigers
How To Handle Conflict

How To Handle Conflict

If you have talented, driven, creative people on your team, conflict is inevitable. Conflict isn't bad, it's just a by-product of the creative process. However, how you handle conflict will determine the health or dysfunction of the team. On this episode, we share...

Herding Tigers
How To Handle Failure

How To Handle Failure

After a failed project, many teams simply move forward to the next one, without a postmortem. This is a huge mistake. It's important as a leader that you seize those failures and mistakes and turn them into growth moments for your team. Otherwise, people are likely...

Herding Tigers
Four Traps Leaders Fall Into (And How To Avoid Them)
Four Traps Leaders Fall Into (And How To Avoid Them)

Four Traps Leaders Fall Into (And How To Avoid Them)

When the pressure is on, and uncertainty is rearing its ugly head, there are traps that even the most experienced leaders fall into. When you fall into one (or more) of these traps, you put an impediment in your team's path, and introduce dissonance into the organization.

On this episode, we share four common traps that leaders fall into when the pressure is on: deferring, blaming, bending, and hovering.

Herding Tigers
Herding Tigers Intro

Herding Tigers Intro

How do great leaders unleash their team to do its best and most creative work? Join Todd Henry, riCardo Crespo, and guests as they discuss what the creative people on your team need from you, and how you can help to be prolific, brilliant, and healthy. [iframe...